
Promoting Circular Economies

Promoting Circular Economies

Our mission is to reduce the carbon footprint and environmental impact that we have it today's world. We are tasked with finding alternatives to the harmful process that are currently in place, as well as the need to advance and enhance in everything that we do. from the use of damaging fossil-fuels to the habitat destruction involved with today's mining practices, we are consistently seeing irreparable damage to our planet. Finding alternatives to the way we do things will be the greatest challenge to the next generation, and we feel compelled to help. Through the use of technology, innovation and the support of people, we will help to provide the means to make the necessary changes to reduce the damage we're doing to our home.

Our focus is around creating sustainable food, fuel and raw materials

We are proud to be giving purpose to material that would have otherwise been discarded or not used in the most efficient way

By creating a consistent and homogenous final product we are able to close the loop and create circular economies for different feedstock materials

We enhance existing processes where feedstock inconsistencies cause problems for technology

Manufacturers require usable material, which is why so much is currently thrown away as it has no value in it’s current form. By providing the technology to create this value, we are reducing the carbon footprint as well as the associated cost of throwing things away

Landfill isn’t an option – by giving value to discarded material streams we are able to dramatically reduce the amount disposed of as waste

Once processed, these material streams have value to be used as alternatives

Once the created products reach their end of life, they are processed back through the Converter and the cycle starts again

The Converter helps find purpose for material that would otherwise be rendered useless

Material Reclamation for further processing using the Converter will provide more opportunities to find purpose for material that has been recovered.

With the support from forward thinking, innovative partners, we are developing the Converter and the flock, focussing on what is possible, what is achievable, and what would great look like