
Conserving Water

Conserving Water

Too much is lost during the process when dealing with certain material streams, especially waste. Transporting material with a high moisture content is not only expensive, but also unnecessarily increases the carbon footprint. Best practice should be to reduce the weight and volume of material to limit the amount of carbon released. This weight and volume reduction not only reduces the carbon footprint, it will also create a more efficient material for further use. Dehydrating material and capturing the condensate is a way in which we conserve water. Water recirculation recycling systems further enhance the volume of water recovered.

The moisture in the waste previously destined for landfill would ordinarily be lost with the waste, whereas the Converter makes this an available resource as a by-product of the process

Capturing water in this way in areas of scarcity provides new opportunities

Utilising this grey water as a resource not only reduces cost but will allow for the redirection of the cleaner water that is currently used for these processes

Repurposing multiple resources from a single waste stream not only provides the foundation for further sustainability practices, but also adds to the story of what is possible in terms of true recycling and recovery