
Chemical Extraction

Chemical Extraction

There are several feedstock materials that cannot be utilised as a product in their current state, either because it is not possible to remove the harmful elements or because the mining technologies are unavailable or unviable. The Converter can extract these chemical elements from feedstock, making them available as new products with the residual, left over material used as a fuel or a product for other processes. This essentially creates two products from a single feedstock.

The Converter extracts chemicals from the processed material

Through R&D testing we unlocked the capability to specify which chemicals we need to test for, giving us scope and direction for potential applications

Laboratory reports and analysis have identified that chemicals were extracted, meaning we have potentially cleansed one product and created a concentrate as a new one

Further testing showed this can be manipulated to have a greater rate of extraction, chemical-dependent

We are working in partnership with chemists and chemical engineers from leading universities to develop the proposition to include feedstock material that would benefit from this process, as well as developing product lines off the back of this process